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Introduction to Altmetric Explorer (Online)

Introduction to Altmetric Explorer (Online) In-Person

This is an online workshop via Zoom

Workshop Description:  Altmetric Explorer is Digital Science’s subscription database for searching, analyzing and creating reports for Altmetric attention data.  Atlmetric data includes mentions of scholarly research from sources such as news, Twitter, blogs, Wikipedia, and more. In addition, it incorporates a variety of ways to visualize results. Workshop demonstrations will feature UF research.

In this workshop, participants will:
•    Learn the different types of Altmetric data
•    Learn the best methods for searching Altmetric Explorer
•    Be able to generate a basic Altmetric report


  • Tara Cataldo is the STEM Collections and Research Metrics Librarian in the Marston Science Library. 
  • Terry Selfe is the Translational Research and Impact Librarian in Academic Research Consulting & Services.    
  • Suzanne Stapleton is the Agricultural Sciences & Digital Scholarship Librarian in the Marston Science Library.   

Questions?: Email arcsmetrics@ad.ufl.edu
Zoom link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/99591708506?pwd=NVF4TUZyNE1VUFcwY05ZWHozaDEvZz09&from=addon 

Related LibGuide: Research Information Management Tools by Tara Cataldo - UF

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Online event
  UF Faculty     UF Staff     UF Students  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Tara Cataldo - UF