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ADA Compliance at UF - UFCE Learn over Lunch

ADA Compliance at UF - UFCE Learn over Lunch In-Person / Online

Amongst its other protections, the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities as they seek out educational opportunities. UF’s Disability Resource Center (DRC) promotes accessibility amongst UF students through a variety of academic and housing accommodations. Jenna Gonzalez, Director of the DRC, joins the Learn over Lunch bunch on Tuesday July 30 (via zoom) to discuss the DRC’s programs and how the office helps promote ADA compliance throughout the UF enterprise (including traditional students on the Gainesville campus, online students, exchange students, non-degree seeking students, and medical, nursing, and pharmacy students working throughout the UF Health system). If your work involves UF students and want to learn more about (or even just brush up your knowledge about) how UF supports students with disabilities, this webinar is for you! A Q&A will follow the presentation to answer any compliance questions attendees might have.

Register with UFCE if you plan to attend onlinehttps://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEod-qtqDoqHd2PHr5sJ1JR7oQCNOewaxLD#/registration

If you plan to attend in person, register here in LibCal. Due to the importance of ADA compliance for our libraries, we have reserved Library West, Room 250 for a group viewing of the UFCE webinar followed by an opportunity to meet and hear about accessibility efforts across our libraries. Members of our Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) will be here to follow up on the webinar topics and how we are meeting accessibility expectations in our libraries. 

Bring your lunch and join us in Library West 250 for this opportunity to learn about compliance issues facing the university and to meet our committee dedicated to ensuring our visitors can access and use our resources and services without barriers. 

Registration Information:

UF Libraries Employees: Please register in the Training Program’s LibCal calendar area at https://ufl.libcal.com/calendar/training. Look for the training of interest and click the green button to register for the workshop(s) you wish to attend. Webinar links will be emailed in your reminder email two hours before the event.

Accessibility: The Libraries Training Program utilizes Universal Design guidelines when creating events, however, barriers may still exist.If you need accommodations to participate, please email lib_training_program@uflib.ufl.edu, at least 72 hours prior to the event.

Questions? Email Cynthia here:  lib_training_program@uflib.ufl.edu

Visit our website!  The Training Program website includes information for accessing your training report, competencies for library employees that we use to develop sessions, and links to additional training programs for library employees. https://training.uflib.ufl.edu/

Thursday, August 8, 2024
12:00pm - 1:55pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Library West
Library West
  UF Libraries Employees  
  Getting to know UF - for employees     University of Florida  
Registration has closed.

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UF Libraries Training Program

See our employee Training Program Calendar here