There are 10 booking option(s) available for the "Proctoring Booths" category and all zones. You can go back and change the filters.
Reserve a Proctored Online Testing Booth
In completing your reservation, you are confirming that you have read and agree to Library West's policies for appropriate and expected use of the booths.
Reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Reservations can made up to 2 weeks ahead of time.
Pay close attention to both preparation time and test length when selecting your reservation time, and allow for additional time to connect to the online proctoring service and to set up the online exam.
Reservation blocks of time are pre-designated and cannot be changed. Blocks are available during hours that Library West is open. Blocks are between 2 and 3 hours duration, Sundays through Fridays. Longer, full-day blocks are available on Saturdays.
You must show your reservation confirmation email when you come to the Library West 2nd Floor Circulation Desk to pick up your key.